Covid-19 Supplies

Home Covid-19 Supplies

Diagnostics and testing

  • ELISA and RT PCR laboratory equipment and reagents
  • Sample collection tubes
  • Swabs for buccal/nasal sample collection
  • Leakproof cups for aspirate collection
  • Respiratory viral panel (RVP)
  • CT contrast agents
  • Regular basic blood panel supplies
  • Specimen transport bags
  • Rapid influenza test kits
  • PCR testing kits
  • Viral transport medium

Health facilities infrastructure and equipment

  • Mobile basic diagnostic X-ray system
  • Hemodialysis machines
  • Medical triage/treatment/isolation facilities
  • Peritoneal dialysis machines
  • Portable ultrasound
  • Anesthesia machines
  • Beds
  • Nasogastric tubes
  • Suction catheters with tubing
  • CT Scanners
  • Hemodialysis tubing/connectors
  • Peritoneal dialysis tubing/connectors
  • Intra-abdominal catheter and caps
  • Central line catheters for hemodialysis
  • Access needles
  • RO water purifier machines
  • An ambulance with air isolation system for transport of contagious patients
  • Isolation room negative pressure HEPA filtration machines
  • Ventilators with portable and back-up power supply
  • Ventilatory peripherals and disposables (i.e. HMEs, HEPA filters, circuits)

Personal protective equipment

  • Gloves
  • Gowns (disposable and linen)
  • ISO masks (PAPRs, CAPRs, N95s)
  • Surgical Level I/III masks and caps
  • Protective eyewear/face shield
  • Tyvek suits, sleeves, hoods, or equivalent
  • Safety box/sharps container (must be labeled “Biohazard”)
  • Scrubs

Medical consumables

  • Oxygen


  • Home Care Kits for home isolation of asymptomatic cases or mildly symptomatic1
  • Antivirals/vaccines (in development)
  • Infrared thermometer
  • Sublingual thermometers
  • Blood pressure cuffs
  • Leads for continuous rhythm monitoring
  • Cardio hardware devices that connect your leads, BP cuff, O2 saturation meter
  • Laryngoscope, adult, the child set
  • Endotracheal tubes
  • Oxygen concentrator
  • Oxygen face mask with reservoir bag, disposable
  • Tubing that connects vents to the wall ports (air and O2)
  • The pulse oximeter, portable and non-portable
  • Syringes: 0.5 ml autodestruct (AD) and 5 ml reuse prevention (RUP)
  • The infusion set up including pumps
  • Oropharyngeal and Nasopharyngeal airways
  • Incentive spirometer/ Acapella valves
  • Bag valve mask (BVM) Tracheostomy kits and devices
  • Nasoenteric tube feeds
  • Tube feed pumps
  • Sequential compression devices
  • IV (device and tubing)
  • Central line
  • Nasal cannulas

Disinfection consumables/biohazardous management

  • Alcohol-based hand-rub/sanitizer
  • Bag (disposable for biohazardous waste PPE, clinical waste, no sharps)
  • Body bags (suitable for burial or cremation)
  • Disinfectant
  • Soap, surgical
  • Set: mask, gel, and soap for the targeted population
  • Bleach