Radiation-resistant cervical cancer and treatment

Home Cancer about Radiation-resistant cervical cancer and treatment

In the case of different chronic disease conditions, the targeting medication is discovered based on the understanding of cell death.

This is an essential approach to kill the cancer cells without damaging the healthy cells.

This common approach is also applicable for massive infection and even in the case of strokes.

Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis performed two studies to identify a previously unrecognized pathway of cell death — named lysoptosis.

The researchers also revealed how this discovery could assist in the development of new therapies for cervical cancer.

Both of the studies analyzed the data obtained from mice, roundworms, and human cells.

The study findings are published in the journal of Nature journal Communications Biology on 12th Jan2022.

SERPINB3 is the protein is spotted in the blood sample of cervical cancer and other tumor types.

The findings of the research works revealed that the absence of genes responsible for SERPINB3 manufacturing in cervical cancer cells, then the death of the tumor cell in exposure to radiation is easier.

A similar finding was also obtained in the case of microscopic analysis of roundworms (C. elegans ).

The presence of SERPINB3 in the blood sample is considered a marker for cervical cancer and other squamous cell cancers.

A higher level of this protein is worsening the prognosis of the cancer treatment outcome.

Researchers of this present study stated that they had thought of this protein could protect the cancer cells.

They also had a thought that the gene was protecting the cancer cells from stress as they found in the roundworm gene.

Further research work helps in the discovery of serpin genes that could protect against cell death triggered by the lysosome (lysoptosis).

They also reported from this result that every species from roundworms to humans have their own cell death pathway that is conserved within the species.

Therefore an understanding of the different cell death pathways and their specific routes can help to determine the treatment of the particular disease condition.

The lysosome containing powerful enzymes can harm the cells on exposure.

Lysoptosis (lysosomal leakage and ravaged by the lysosomal enzymes) in low level or absence of SERPINB3 signifies an active, stand-alone cell death process that dramatically destroys the cell.

Lysoptosis is very different from apoptosis. In lysoptosis, the cell quietly implodes and the cell debris is cleaned by neighboring cells.

Researchers also used the gene-editing technology CRISPR to delete the SERPINB3 gene from cervical cancer cells.

The researchers perceived that cervical cancer cells fixed into mice were more vulnerable to the hassle of chemotherapy and radiation when they had omitted this protective gene.

Researchers of these studies are busy screening the drugs that are either already FDA approved or investigational for other diseases to isolate compounds that sealed the SERPINB3 gene in cervical cancer cells, so they can be killed more easily by chemotherapy and radiation in addition to lysoptosis.

This research study is still under process and as soon as the candidate drug will be identified, the clinical trial will start.

Researchers of this study are very hopeful about the discovery of the treatment.

They assume the discovery of this treatment will be beneficial for viral or bacterial infections.

They also explain manipulation of lysoptosis helps to destroy tumor cells and other diseases.

This new knowledge can lead to novel therapies for diseases in which this type of cell death plays a key role.

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