Major cancer reasons behind Skin

Home Cancer Major cancer reasons behind Skin
Major cancer reasons behind Skin

In the USA, the predominance of skin cancer is higher. The cure of skin cancer depends upon early diagnosis and type of cancer.

Why is skin prone to cancer?

Skin is the largest organ of our body and covering all underlying vital organs. Exposure to sun rays, chemicals, aging, and regular wear and tear are loading up the free radicals burden on the skin tissue. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) stress may trigger the faulty genetic mutation that leads to unwanted skin cell growth. Uncontrolled skin tissue growth causes skin cancer.

Skin cancer symptoms

The tendency to develop skin cancer is primarily on the sun-exposed areas like the face, scalp, lips, neck, ear, arms, legs, and chest. But rarely skin cancer can occur in the area where sunlight reaches very rarely or in negligible amounts like palms, toenails, fingernails, and genital area.

All types of skin tones can develop skin cancer. Dark skin people who have melanoma (a type of skin cancer) usually develop skin cancer in the area where the sun exposure is little or negligible like the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. However, depending upon the type of skin cancer the symptoms vary. Basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma are three different common skin cancer types.

What harmful cosmetics may cause cancer?

Coal tar, Diethanolamine, 1,4-Dioxane, Petroleum distillates, chromium, formaldehyde have a carcinogenic effect but are widely used in different beauty products. If you check the composition details of anti-dandruff shampoos and anti-itch creams, you will found coal tar is one of the main ingredients present in most of these products. 1,4-Dioxane is a contaminant present in sodium Laureth sulfate-containing products. Chromium that can cause stomach cancer is a common ingredient of lipsticks, lip balm, etc. Petroleum distillates are used in mascara, odor removal powder, and other products formulations in the USA. Some of these chemicals impart estrogen-mimicking activity that increases the risk of breast cancer, early onset of menstruation. Paraphenylenediamine and coal tar present in hair dye can increase the incidence of non-Hodgkins lymphoma and bladder cancer. Triclosan containing anti-bacterial soaps have a link with thyroid cancer.

Reasons for skin cancer

There is no specific cause of skin cancer progression. However, certain risk factors trigger skin cancer.

Lifestyle factors

Prolong exposure to sunlight

In general, prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays that come from sunlight or tanning beds are increase the growing risk of both melanoma and other types of skin cancer. People who live in the bright sunlight zone and spend maximum outdoor time without any protection like wearing protective cloth, sunscreen, etc. have a higher incidence of skin cancer. In fact, exposure to sunlight for sunburn at the early stage of life also increases the skin cancer risk.

Chemical exposure

The topically applied substances readily absorb by the blood vessels present beneath the skin and mix into the bloodstream. Nanoparticle-sized ingredients used in skincare products like sunscreens or other cosmetic items can freely penetrate the skin deep. Thus, the cosmetic ingredients reach different vital organs and provide multiple harmful effects.


Smokers often have a tendency to develop squamous cell skin cancers, mainly on the lips.



Aging may be a cause of skin cancer may because of UV radiation accumulation.

Poor immunity

Viral infections and organ transplantation are certain conditions that suppress immune functioning due to disease conditions or treatment. These health conditions may increase the skin cancer risk.


The incidence rate of basal cell carcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas is higher in men than women.


Skin tone

Individuals who have red or blond hair, green or blue eyes, or skin has the tendency to burn and freckles easily have a greater risk of skin cancer. From a racial perspective, Caucasians have a higher incidence of skin cancer than other races.


All the moles do not have the tendency to turn into skin cancer. But the sudden outbreak of moles may indicate melanoma. However, an early skin screening test can increase the cure rate.


Family and/or personal history

Individuals who have a family history of skin cancer among close relatives increase the risk of skin cancer. Individuals who have a medical history of skin cancer always have a risk of recurrence even after curing the condition.

Inherited conditions

Skin diseases like xeroderma pigmentosum which is an inherited disease that interferes with the skin’s ability to repair UV damage can increase the skin cancer risk.

Other conditions

Basal cell nevus syndrome

The previous history of Basal cell nevus syndrome has increased the risk of basal cell carcinomas. The incidence starts before 20 years of age in such cases.

Viral infections

Human papillomavirus (HPV) infections increase the risk of skin cancer in the anal or genital part. HIV-infected patients also have a higher risk of skin cancer.

A side effect of previous treatment

Radiation exposure

Radiation treatment history increases the skin of skin cancer in the exposed area.

Psoriasis treatment

Ultraviolet therapy for psoriasis treatment increases the skin of squamous cell carcinoma and other types of skin cancer.

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